Instagram Essantials for Beauty Professionals 

  • 30 Hours

    70% Practical, 30% Theory
  • 5,000

    • Vernacular background students
    • Users of Instagram with limited content creation skills
    • Individuals unaware of creating a portfolio or building a social media presence

    Course Structure


    Profile Optimisation & Setup

    6 hours (2 hours theory, 4 hours practical)

    Content Creation

    10 hours (3 hours theory, 7 hours practical)

    Lead Generation

    6 hours (2 hours theory, 4 hours practical)

    Crafting Packages and Offers

    8 hours (2 hours theory, 6 hours practical)

    Course Structure

    Join our ChatGPT seminar to explore cutting-edge AI techniques, practical uses, and strategies to enhance your communication and problem-solving skills.

    Profile Optimisation & Setup

    6 hours
    2 hours theory,
    4 hours practical

    Content Creation

    10 hours
    3 hours theory,
    7 hours practical

    Lead Generation

    6 hours
    2 hours theory,
    4 hours practical

    Crafting Packages and Offers

    8 hours
    2 hours theory,
    6 hours practical

    Course Content

    Assessments and Activities

    Profile Optimization: Submit optimized Instagram profile for review
    Content Creation: Weekly content plan and execution, evaluated on creativity and engagement
    Lead Generation: Create and execute a lead generation campaign
    Packages and Offers: Develop and pitch a comprehensive service package with promotional strategies
    Write your awesome label here.
    Write your awesome label here.

    Additional Resources

    • Online Tutorials: Links to video tutorials for photography, videography, and editing
    • Guest Lectures: Webinars from industry professionals on social media marketing
    • Discussion Forums: Online group discussions and feedback sessions

    Get Enrolled for Online Digital Marketing Course for Beauty Students